Wimmera Branch


The Wimmera catchment boundary is located in western Victoria and covers an area of approximately 30,000km2 or 10% of Victoria. The Wimmera extends from the Grampians National Park to Lake Albacutya, near Rainbow, and from the South Australian border in the west to Navarre in the east.  Thomas Mitchell first surveyed the area in 1836 and named it for an Aboriginal term meaning boomerang, throwing stick, or spear thrower.

Executive Team


Chair:           Lyle Johnson 

Vice Chair:   Michael Nunweek
Secretary:    Barry Sertori
Treasurer:    Lois Johnson
DSS Co-ordinator: Don Jagger
Trainer: John Barber

Branch Meetings

The Branch holds its General Meetings on the second Thursday in the months of  February, May, August, & November(AGM and General Meeting)

Meeting locations are alternated throughout the various cities and townships in the Wimmera.

August’s Meeting is to be held at the Victoria  Hotel,  Dimboola on Thursday, 12 August, following a visit to The Dimboola Imaginarium commencing  at 6.15 PM.    Chan Uoy  of  The Imaginarium  will provide an address about the Imaginarium and associated events. The Imaginarium is located in the former Natinal Bank of Australasia building at 7-9 Lochiel Street.Chan & The Imaginarium have recently featured in both Metropolitan and regional media articles.

Executive Team


John Barber : Don Jagger : Geoffrey Penna

Document Signing Stations

The Document Signing Station Co-Ordinator is Mr Don Jagger, JP.

WHERE : HORSHAM LIBRARY  ( McLauchlan St. – next to Horsham RSL)


TIME : 10 AM. to  12 NOON

Due to the recent retirement of  JP”S in the area there is a need for more volunteers to offer their services  to strenghten the Roster. If you can assist, Don may be contacted on MOB: 0418 331 402.


Branch News


As a means of increasing potential Membership of the Wimmera Branch, the Executive is endeavouring to contact all current Justice of the Peace officers in the Wimmera area to establish an up to date  list of all  JP”s details. It is hoped that as an added bonus to this process, we may be able to encourage more JP’s to attend our quarterly Meetings.


At its February Meeting the Branch resolved to present Certificates of Service to retiring Justices,  Mavis Allsop, Dr John Wellington and James McKay in recognition of their service to the Branch and the wider Community over many years.

May 21 Branch Meeting

On Thursday 13th May 21 the Wimmera Branch meeting was held at Great Western. It was a very informative meeting with a great guest speaker in Bruce Achow – leading businessman and entrepreneur who is providing great support and interest in the regional town.
RVAHJ Boad member Mr A Harrington provided input on the latest news and activities of the association.
It was a great evening and all present had the chance to catch up and exchange experiences and information.

Photos: 1) Branch Chair – Mr Lyle Johnson JP & Mr Andrew Harrington BJ JP | 2) Mr Noel Austin JP, Speaker – Mr Bruce Achow & Mr Barry Sertori JP 

Meeting Updates

Meetings are held on a regular basis and items of interest will be updated here, so don’t forget to check this page out frequently.  

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