The Peak Members Body for JPs & BJs

The Royal Victorian Association of Honorary Justices (RVAHJ) is the peak membership
body for Victoria’s Honorary Justices (Justices of the Peace and Bail Justices.)

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OnLine JP Information

Find out more about our OnlineJP Remote Witnessing Service from Emily for those in need.
We are limited to Statutory Declarations, Affidavits, Power of Attorneys and  other testamentary instrument.

Our members serve the community

Join our association and be supported by a group of like minded Justices that serve our communities

10 Facts About JP's

Our members serve across Victoria and are all volunteers giving their time to support their local communities.


Membership with the RVAHJ provides all Justices with a community to connect with!


Find a ‘Justice Of The Peace’ in your area
Click here to contact a Branch in Victoria 


Learning and development through continuous professional development at our RVAHJ Training Academy

The RVAHJ is made up of volunteers called collectively Honorary Justices that include justices of the peace and bail justices. Justices of the peace provide document witnessing and certification services to the community both during and outside business hours. Bail justices primarily work outside business hours and on weekends to conduct hearings in relation to applications for bail or remand, and applications for interim accommodation orders relating to children.

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RVAHJ COVID-19 Advice for Honorary Justices & Vaccinations 

RVAHJ has provided regular updated advice for all Honorary Justices through all the shut down periods and directives and vaccination policy from the HJSS. To find out about these advice’s as well as revised office operating conditions during shut down periods and stages 3 & 4 restrictions please visit our Blog posts at: Updated Blog Posts & Advice . There are regular updates as conditions change, so check back regularly to find out more.

Inaugural Training Session March 2021

Our first face to face training for more than 12 months was held on Saturday 20th March 2021. It was run in conjunction with the Annual Awards and Dinner event, a new initiative for all Honorary Justices to attend to get the latest information and to ask those burning questions that we all have. The training was also split into 2 streams after lunch, i.e. Bail Justices and Justices of the Peace focused on specific issues and information for each. The event was attended with over 130 Honorary Justices on the day, and resources from the session are available on request, just contact our Elwood office for more details. We also had HJSS Manager presenting providing an update on the current and planned activities. If you are interested then contact us at [email protected] for more details….you can also find out more by viewing the pictures, by Clicking Here

RVAHJ Certified Trainers – Inaugural Training Session Nov 2019

Our first RVAHJ Certified Trainers graduated at our ‘train the trainers’ workshop on Saturday 2nd November 2019. We now have a total of 9 certified trainers who are able to provide training across the areas of “Powers of Attorney, Advanced Care Directive, Oaths and Affirmations, Voluntary Assisted Dying, What is a Honorary Justice and Overview of Your Association RVAHJ”. It was a great day with a lot of exchange of information and experiences over the course of the day. We are looking to run another training workshop regionally around Swan Hill / Mildura way with already a number of people already booked. If you are interested then contact us at [email protected] and we will see you there….you can find out more by viewing the pictures, by Clicking Here

Annual Dinner and Awards

Vic Government House Service (25+yrs) Awards 2024

The RVAHJ held its years of service awards (25++yrs) ceremony at the Victorian Government House in April 2024. The Victorian Governor is the Chief Patron of the RVAHJ and we are extremely grateful for the opportunity to host the ceremony at Government House. Both Her Excellency the Governor and the RVAHJ President provide a short presentation and then spent several hours meeting and speaking to all at the ceremony. We look forward to this being a regular biennial event…you can find out more by viewing the pictures, by Clicking Here

Annual Dinner 2021

Our recent annual dinner during March 2021 was one of the best ever attended with a number of new awards for Life Members, Special Appreciation awards for remote witnessing services and 10 to 45 years of service to the community and supporting the association given out. It was a great night for all those who attended to hear the guest speakers and the music from a local 2 piece band. We also had this year two extremely interesting, relevant and entertaining key note speakers (Treasurer & Assistant Commissioner Police) provide their perspective of the role of Honorary Justices that was well appreciated by all…you can find out more by viewing the pictures, by Clicking Here

Annual Dinner 2020

Due to the Covid-19 extended shutdowns over the year, the annual dinner was cancelled and combined with a expanded event including Training and Annual Dinner in 2021.

Annual Dinner 2019

Our recent annual dinner during August 2019 was well attended with a number of new awards for 10 & 15 years of service to the community and supporting the association given out. It was a fun night for all those who attended, and received their individual awards and recognition. We also had a very interesting key note speaker supporting the role of Honorary Justices that was well appreciated by all…you can find out more by viewing the pictures, by Clicking Here

Annual Dinner 2018

Our recent annual dinner during August 2018 was another great evening for all those who attended, and received awards and recognition for their service to the community, while supporting the association.
We also had a very interesting key note speaker that was enjoyed by all…you can find out more by viewing the pictures, by Clicking Here

Annual Dinner 2017

Our recent annual dinner during August 2017 was another great evening for all those who attended, and received awards and recognition for their service to the community, while supporting the association.
We also had a very interesting key note speaker for the evening, as we have had every year…you can find out more by viewing the pictures, by Clicking Here

Annual Dinner 2016

Our recent annual dinner at the end of 2016 was another year of standing room only, with all tickets being snapped up by members.
We managed to get another great key note speaker…you can find out more by viewing the pictures, by Clicking Here


Peer Support Programs

The RVAHJ has developed support programs to assist all Honorary Justices for when they are needing assistance. These programs can be accessed by all Justices of the Peace (JP) and Bail Justices (BJ) irrespective of whether they are association members.
JP Confreres Peer Support Network – is now available, Click Here
BJ Peer Support Program – is now available, Click Here

Latest Custodes

The next edition of our RVAHJ Magazine – Custodes is now available, read the latest edition online, by Clicking Here


Find out the latest news to keep update through the RVAHJ E-News online, by Clicking Here

Gift Ideas

Lost for gift ideas, then take a look at what we have on offer at the RVAHJ store, by Clicking Here

Victorian Legislation Link

Are you in need to review a specific Victorian Legislation? Then you can find what your looking for at the primary source for Victorian Legislation; find Bills considered by Parliament; Acts of Parliament and statutory rules. Review all Victorian Legislation by, Clicking Here 

Federal Legislation Link

Are you in need to review a specific Federal Legislation? Then you can find what your looking for by exploring the Federal Register of Legislation. Review all Federal Legislation by, Clicking Here 

Notary Public Link

Are you need of a Notary Public rather than a Honorary Justice (JP & BJ) for overseas documents, then you can find one in your area by looking at the ‘Find a Notary’ page by, Clicking Here 

Consulates In Australia Link

There are a number of different documents needed by various countries that require attestation by a authorised witness, sometimes a Justice of the Peace, a Notary Public or others. We recommend contacting the relevant consulate or embassy to confirm the specific requirements for the type of documentation that is needed to be witnessed.  DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade) provides a comprehensive Consular Listing for all countries in Australia…to find out more, Click Here 

Our Members

RVAHJ provides great support to Honorary Justices for any questions they may have as well as keeping us updated to changes that are made to legislation, which we have had a number since 2014; and more importantly on how to interpret and apply it practically to support the needs of Victorian community.

Rod Lavin J P

President, RVAHJ

RVAHJ has always provided the voice for BJ’s and JP’s to support the community within Victoria. In doing so it has kept members updated of any changes for Honorary Justice’s duties as well as providing training and support. All RVAHJ branches provide a non- threatening and supportive role to members, an opportunity to discuss experiences.  Our popular Custodes magazine and E News continues to deliver excellent and immediate information and I can only recommend highly to all of the ongoing support the RVAHJ provides to its Members.

Paul Mracek JP

Immediate Past President, RVAHJ

I have been with the RVAHJ for over 30 years as a member and past admin officer. I was the main point of contact for members, as well as being a JP during this time. It was  an honour to be able to speak to members about any questions they may have, and be able to provide practical answers based on my own experience as a JP. The RVAHJ provides for members the benefit and comfort of knowing that should they be confronted with an unusual matter then the RVAHJ is just a phone call away ready to assist with answers.

Cathy Owens JP

Member, RVAHJ

The RVAHJ, for over 100 years has and continues to offer great ongoing support to all Honorary Justices, particularly in providing guidance to sorting out difficult procedural issues, ongoing education, support and is always ready and able to defend the position and rights of its members.

Geoff Legge JP

Member & Past Director, RVAHJ

Contact Us

Royal Victorian Association
of Honorary Justices

PO Box 317, Elwood 3184
53 Broadway, Elwood, 3184

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (03) 9525 7099
Fax: (03) 9525 7765

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