Sunraysia Branch


The Sunraysia Branch was formalised in December 2006 and is based in Mildura in Victoria’s sunny northwest. We have a very active and enthusiastic team of JPs and BJs who meet regularly at the Mildura RSL.  New members are always very welcome. Please come along and join our happy team.

Executive Team

Sunraysia Branch

Chair: Anthony (Tony) Robbins JP (M) 0427 281 273
Vice-Chair: Mrs Jennifer Bennett PSM, JP (M) 0499 880 130
Secretary: Mrs Cheryl Webb JP (M) 0419 531 020
Assistant Secretary:  Mrs Evelien Melsen JP (M) 0407 596 877
Treasurer: Trevor Aust OAM, JP, FRVAHJ (M) 0407 860 447
DSC Co-ordinator: Trevor Aust OAM, JP, FRVAHJ (M) 0408 860 447
Trainers: Tony Robbins, Peter Griffin, Sandra Lawlor

New members are always welcome at our Branch. Information sharing sessions are included in the “quarterly” meetings where thoughts & ideas are shared between members and support given to all Justices. Please feel free to call Tony on 0427 281 273, Trevor on 0407 860 447 or Cheryl on
0419 531 020 to inquire about joining our Branch.


Branch Meetings


A motion to change the number of branch meetings held during the year was voted on at the recently held September quarterly meeting.  This was further amended at the Annual General Meeting held on the 12th December 2023.

Accordingly, the Sunraysia Branch will now only hold two “quarterly” meetings throughout the year, with the date of meetings changed to the first Tuesday of June and December.  These meetings will continue to be held at the Mildura RSL, Cnr 10th Street & Madden Avenue, Mildura.  Should it be necessary to change the venue, members will be advised via email.  Both meetings will commence at 6:00pm. 

The Annual General Meeting will still be held in December in conjunction with the December “quarterly” meeting. 

Meetings are followed by dinner at the Wirraway Bistro at the RSL.  An invitation is also extended to partners of Justices to  attend the meal and are made extremely welcome.

Scheduled Training Sessions for all local Justices will take place of the other two “quarterly” meeting days at times and venues to be confirmed.

The next Training Session will be held in March 2025.  The date, time and venue will be listed on this site as soon as these details are known. 



Branch News

Welcome our new JPs

2023 – We welcome our newly appointed Justices of the Peace – joined here with RVAHJ Secretary Wendy Williams.

2009 – The inaugural “Thank You Morning Tea” hosted by Superintendent Paul Naylor (third from the right at the rear), for Justices who attend the Document Signing Centre at the Mildura Police Station. Various awards to Justices are acknowledged during the Morning Tea, which is held mid-December each year when Justices and members of VicPol have an opportunity to catch up.

2017The Governor visits Mildura                                                                 

Jenny Bennett, The Hon. Linda Dessau, AC & Tony Robbins.

Annual General Meeting 2023

The Sunraysia Branch AGM was held at the Mildura RSL at 6:00pm on Tuesday 10 December 2024 with **** members in attendance.  The election for the 2025 executive was chaired by guest RVAHJ Director/Secretary Ms Wendy Williams BJ (Retd) JP FRVAHJ.  The following members being duly elected:

Chairman – Anthony (Tony) Robbins JP, Vice Chairman – this position was held in abeyance, Secretary – Mrs Cheryl Webb JP, Assistant Secretary – Mrs Evelien Melsen JP, Treasurer – Trevor Aust OAM, JP, FRVAHJ and Publicity Officer – this position was held in abeyance

A number of members and their partners enjoyed dinner and fellowship in the Wirraway Restaurant at the RSL following the meeting. 

Life Membership Award 2021

Trevor Aust OAM JP FRVAHJ was left speechless when Chair, Tony Robbins JP, made a presentation of RVAHJ Life Membership Award to TrevorTrevor, who goes above and beyond is always on hand to assist and mentor fellow Justices, is an extremely worthy recipient of this prestigious Award.  Trevor is not only the Association’s Treasurer but is also the Chief Statician for the Document Signing Centre with the assistance of Mrs Elizabeth (Libby) Alderton and the Editor of JOPIS, the Sunraysia Branch Newsletter.  Many congratulations Trevor.  Well Done!



The recently purchased equipment will again be put to good use at the upcoming Training Day to be held on 2 March 2024 at the Mildura Band Hall, 99 Eighth Street commencing at 1:00pm.  All local Justices are cordially invited to attend. This training day will be conducted Ms Wendy Williams, RVAHJ Director together with our local trainers, Tony Robbins, Peter Griffin and Sandra Lawler.     

Branch Awards

The “John Malcolm Trophy” is a perpetual Trophy awarded to a Justice who has made a considerable contribution to the branch during the year.  The Award was created when the “JP Car Badge“, belonging to the late John Malcolm was gifted to the Sunraysia Branch in 2014.  The Badge was placed on a beautiful piece of local yellow gum provided by Chair, Tony Robbins JP and includes a plaque engraved by Peter Griffin JP, another local member,   The original Car Badge has since been replaced by one donated to the Sunraysia Branch some time ago by the late Mrs Shirley Penny OAM, CMC, (JP Ret’d)

John Malcolm Trophy “Honour Board”

2015 Trevor Aust OAM JP FRVAHJ
2016 The Hon. Kenneth Wright (Dec’d)
2017 Janine Reid JP & Robert Reid JP (both Dec’d)
2018 Geoffrey Jones JP (Dec’d)
2019 Jenny Bennett PSM JP
2020 Tony Robbins JP
Robert (Bob) Merlin BJ
2022 Cheryl Webb JP
2023 Sandra Lawler JP
2024 Trevor Aust OAM JP FRAVAHJ 

Members’ Milestones

The following awards were presented by Senior Sergeant Dale Long at the morning tea held on 12 December, hosted by Mildura VicPol:

“300 Club” Tony Robbins JP (Certificate and Badge)
“100 Club” Graeme Mitchell JP (Certificate and Badge)
“10 Year Service Award” Peter Griffin JP (Certificate)
As Trevor Aust JP was not acknowledged last year for reaching the “300 Club”, he received his belated Badge but will need to make his own Certificate


Senior Sergeant Dale Long with Trevor Aust

Senior Sergeant Dale Long with Tony Robbins
Senior Sergeant Dale Long with Peter Griffin
Senior Sergeant Dale Long with Graeme Mitchell

2023 “Giggle Awards”
These Awards were created by and presented by Trevor Aust, DSC Co-ordinator
Most clients in a day – Tony Robbins JP who attended to 44 clients on 30 June
Most signings in a shift – Cheryl Webb JP who signed her name 215 times on 6 July
Snooze award for least number of clients in a day – Tony Dal Corobbo JP for attending to 8 clients on 4 April
Overtime award for late finish – Graeme Mitchell JP who pulled up stumps at 4:50 on 22 February
Most attendances award – Tony Robbins JP with 23 attendances 

Congratulations to all Award recipients.




Document Signing Centres


Support and assistance is given to all Justices who attend the Sunraysia Branch Document Signing Centre.  Help, if needed, is only a phone call away, not only from local JP’s but also from members from Melbourne and other parts of Victoria.  A list of names and contact details can be obtained from either the RVAHJ magazine, Custodes or from the Document Signing Centre.  Unfortunately, the number of Justices available to attend the Signing Centre at the Mildura Police Station had been depleted for various reasons over the past couple of years, putting more pressure on those Justices who remained available.  With 6 of the newly appointed Justices of the Peace having made themselves available to attend at the Mildura Police Station, the pressure is off to a degree.  There is also a JP attending at the Red Cliffs Resource Centre from 9:30-12:30 every Friday (excluding Public Holidays). 

Despite this very welcomed increase in numbers, if any other local Justices can spare 3 hours once a month to help with the roster, please contact Co-ordinator Peter Griffin JP on 0409 538 367 to advise your availability.  You will be welcomed with open arms. 

The DSC returned to the Mildura Police Station after a period of almost 2 years with the current hours being 1:00-4:00pm Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays.  The return to the Mildura Police Station has been very successful and our presence there once again is greatly appreciated  and welcomed by members of VicPol.








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