Recent Act Changes
Bail Act 1977
Victorian Legislation
For Bail Act 1977
Bail Justices Repeal Sect 4.2(c)
The second reading explains the amendment to the Bail Act by removing section 4.2(c), which is the provision relating to a defendant who is in custody for not answering bail. and has to show that their own actions did not cause the fact that you failed to answer bail.
Commonwealth Legislation
Anti Terrorism Act 2004
For Bail Justices and Justices of the Peace
Proposed amendments to improve Australia’s counter-terrorism legal framework.
The Bill amends the following Acts:
(a) to amend Part 1C of the Crimes Act 1914 by permitting the fixed investigation period applying to the investigation of federal terrorism offences to be extended by a maximum of 20 hours if judicially authorised and subject to all the existing procedural safeguards enshrined in Part 1C
(b) to amend Part 1C of the Crimes Act 1914 by permitting the authorities to reasonably suspend or delay questioning of a person arrested for a terrorism offence to make inquiries in overseas locations that are in different time zones to obtain information relevant to that terrorism investigation
(c) to amend the Crimes ( Foreign Incursions and Recruitment) Act 1978 to enhance the foreign incursions offences, particularly in situations where terrorist organisations are operating as part of the armed forces of a state
(d) to amend the Criminal Code Act 1995 to strengthen the counter-terrorism legislation relating to membership of terrorist organisations and the offence of providing training to or receiving training from a terrorist organisation, and
(e) to amend the Proceeds of Crime
Crimes Act 1944
Relevant Sections for Justices
Part 1A – General
- SECT 3F Search Warrants
- SECT 4G Indictable Offences
- SECT 4H Summary Offences
- SECT 4M Children under 10
- SECT 4N Children over 10 but under 14
- SECT 15 Remand of defendant
- SECT 15AA Bail not to be granted in certain cases
Part 1C – Investigation of Commonwealth Offences
Division 2�Powers of detention
- SECT 23C Period of arrest if arrested for non-terrorism offence
- SECT 23DB Period of arrest if arrested for terrorism offence
- SECT 23DC Specifying time during which suspension or delay of questioning may be disregarded
- SECT 23D Extension of investigation period if arrested for non-terrorism offence
- SECT 23DE Extension of investigation period if arrested for terrorism offence
- SECT 23E Applications by electronic means, e.g. telephone etc.
Anti Terrorism Act 2004
Commonwealth Legislation
Anti Terrorism Act 2004
For Bail Justices and Justices of the Peace
Proposed amendments to improve Australia’s counter-terrorism legal framework.
The Bill amends the following Acts:
(a) to amend Part 1C of the Crimes Act 1914 by permitting the fixed investigation period applying to the investigation of federal terrorism offences to be extended by a maximum of 20 hours if judicially authorised and subject to all the existing procedural safeguards enshrined in Part 1C
(b) to amend Part 1C of the Crimes Act 1914 by permitting the authorities to reasonably suspend or delay questioning of a person arrested for a terrorism offence to make inquiries in overseas locations that are in different time zones to obtain information relevant to that terrorism investigation
(c) to amend the Crimes ( Foreign Incursions and Recruitment) Act 1978 to enhance the foreign incursions offences, particularly in situations where terrorist organisations are operating as part of the armed forces of a state
(d) to amend the Criminal Code Act 1995 to strengthen the counter-terrorism legislation relating to membership of terrorist organisations and the offence of providing training to or receiving training from a terrorist organisation, and
(e) to amend the Proceeds of Crime