Chapter 1 – The Association



This handbook is intended to serve the Royal Victoria Association of Honorary Justices (RVAHJ) in the following ways:

By providing a documented understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the membership, branches, committees, officers and directors of the association

By providing a documented reference for members and officers alike describing how the association is organised and administered

By providing a documented reference for members and officers alike describing how to stand for an association office or participate in a committee

By Providing documented standards and codes of conduct for Justices in the course of their duties

By providing a communication tool for the membership as a starting point for further involvement, input into policy and procedure development, changes to the association and continuous improvement

By providing a dynamic repository of the learnings, decisions and current policy of the Association, all members will have access to a transparent guide to the administration, governance and goals of the association

All learnings, changes to roles and responsibilities, alterations to policies and procedures are expected to be updated and become available for the membership and the next Management Team.

On an ongoing basis, the manual will be updated on an annual basis so that this guide will become more robust and stay current.

Association Overview

The Membership


There are three classes of membership in the association plus an honorary membership that may be conferred by the board on deserving individuals.

Ordinary Membership

Membership is open to all Honorary Justices appointed and registered in the state of Victoria. Full voting rights

This includes honorary Justices of NSW and South Australia who reside or work in the border communities and carry out duties on either side of the border with out let or hindrance bounded by a 50km maximum distance from the border. Full voting rights

Associate Membership

For Honorary Justices not appointed and registered in the State of Victoria who do not fall under the 1.1 above. No voting rights.

Honorary Membership

Awarded by the association to individuals who are not honorary justices but are influential and deserving of the honour. No voting rights

Life Membership

Ordinary members of the association honoured for service to the association. Full voting rights

The Board of Directors


The RVAHJ is by definition a membership organisation.

The membership is therefore the focus of all of the associations undertakings it both controls and benefits from the organisations undertakings.

The membership controls the organisation through an elected board of directors

Directors of the Association are elected to four year terms by ordinary and life members of the RVAHJ.

The board is the memberships representative body and provides the direction for the planning, control and operation of the association.

The board carries out its duties through a well defined committee system and executive committee comprising the officers of the association.

  • Planning
  • Strategy
  • Implementation
  • Information
  • Financial

Chapter 2 – Rules and Regulations

Regulations for Branches

By Laws – Branches Date Issued: Nov 2006 Policy 004.2




RVAHJ Branches provide a local forum for Association members to meet and discuss issues of interest, conduct training sessions and related activities. It must be noted that RVAHJ Branches are established under the auspices of the Association remain an integral part of the Association.


1. Where the Board is satisfied that it is desirable that an RVAHJ Branch for members of the Association be formed in a defined area in Victoria the Board will establish such a Branch in that area.

2. The objects for which an RVAHJ Branch will be established are:

a) To hold meetings of members of the Association at a branch level to meet and discuss matters of mutual interest to the members of that Branch.
b) To promote friendship and social intercourse among Honorary Justices; and
c) Generally, to support and assist the Board in carrying out the objects for which the Association was established.
d) To assist in the ongoing education and training of Honorary Justices to provide a professional resource for the community and
e) To assist in (d) above the branch may arrange for Lectures, Addresses, and Study Courses on subjects related to the powers and duties of Honorary Justices, and by these and other means approved by the Board, instruct and assist the members of the Branch in the proper exercise of the powers and the proper performance of the duties for which they were appointed.
f) Promote the reputation and good works of the association and its membership
g) Provide the board with such information and knowledge needed to assist in upholding of the good name and image of all honorary justices and the association

3. Each Branch shall be known by the name approved by the Board.


4. Eligibility

a) The persons eligible for membership of a Branch shall be only those who are financial members of the Royal Victorian Association of Honorary Justices (Ordinary, Associate or Life). Branch membership bestows rights to vote at meetings of the Branch and the right to hold Branch office.

b) Attendance at Branch meetings is open to all financial members of the RVAHJ. Branch members may be joined at all meetings with their spouse and immediate family members as guests.

c) Honorary Justices who are not members of the Association or not a current financial member of the Association may attend one meeting per annum as a guest, and one meeting per annum as a prospective member. The attendance and the category of attendance shall be recorded in the records of the meeting

d) Honorary Justices who are financial members of the association and are also members of another honorary justice association or like group shall have no entitlement to branch membership or attendance at a branch. Attendance of this type of member, as foreseen in sub section 4c above, shall be only at the discretion of the Chairman and in no case shall extend into more than one branch financial year.

e) All financial members eligible for membership of a branch, may belong to more than one branch, but may only stand for and hold office in one branch.

5. The Branch annual membership subscription shall be due and payable at the beginning of each financial year, and shall be such sum as is fixed from time to time at an Annual Meeting of the Branch. Subscriptions should be set only as high as required to offset the costs of postage and administration.


6. Subject to the Associations Constitution, directions of the Board of directors and this By-Law, the affairs of the Branch shall be managed and controlled by a Branch Executive Committee consisting of no less than three financial members and no more than six financial members of the association.

Apart from the Chairman of the Branch, all other positions may be combined into one or more roles that normally name a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and other members to make a maximum executive committee of six members.

All positions shall be elected annually from members of the Branch by full financial members of the Branch personally present and voting at an Annual Meeting of the Branch. At such an election all retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.

The Branch Executive Committee when duly elected shall continue in office until a new Branch Executive Committee is duly elected according to the rules.

7. Any casual vacancy occurring in the Branch Executive Committee may be filled by the said Committee and, in the temporary absence of the Branch Secretary or the Branch Treasurer, the said Committee may appoint one of its own members to act in his/her place. A member elected to fill a casual vacancy shall be elected for the remainder of the term of the member whose place he/she fills.

8. The Branch Executive Committee may regulate its own proceedings, and shall meet at such times as it considers desirable. The Branch Executive Committee shall fix its own quorum.

9. The Board of the Association may remove any office bearer of any Branch from the Branch position they hold, subject to a two-thirds majority of the Board.


10. Banking

All monies received on behalf of the Branch shall be paid into an account to be opened at a Bank approved by the Board of the Association and Branch Executive Committee in the name of the RVAHJ Branch and, from such account, the Branch Treasurer shall pay all expenses approved by the Branch Executive Committee.

a) The Branch bank account shall be operated with two signatures one of whom must be the chairman and any one other member of the branch executive committee who are registered signatories.

b) The signatories will always be the current chairman and such current members of the executive as the branch executive decides upon.

c) On the change of Branch positions, resignation or removal the outgoing signatories shall be replaced with the incoming executive members.

d) All branch account names shall have the RVAHJ as the first word followed by the authorised branch name finalized with the designation branch unless contained within the branch name.

11. The Branch Treasurer shall keep such books of account as the Branch Executive Committee directs, and shall furnish to the Branch Executive Committee such statements of accounts and such information as to payment of membership subscriptions and other financial matters as it requires.

12. At the close of each branch financial year the Branch Treasurer shall submit to the next ensuing Annual Meeting of the Branch a Statement of Accounts. A copy of the Statement of Accounts shall be forwarded to the Company Secretary of the Association when approved by the Branch Annual Meeting.


13. There shall be kept a Register of Members in a form approved by the Board and a list of all members shall be forwarded to the Company Secretary annually or when requested.

There shall be a record kept of each meeting that will note the location and times of the meeting, those present both members and guests and provide a brief account of the business of the meeting as well as any decisions or actions contemplated or taken. Such a record shall be forwarded to the board for adoption and incorporation into the associations historic record.

All meetings of the Branch shall be notified to the Secretary of the Association prior to holding them. The notification may be through means of an agenda or meeting notice in order that they are deemed an authorised meeting


14. Branch General Meetings shall be held during the year as agreed upon at an Annual Meeting to be held in last quarter of the calendar year and prior to December 15th or as directed by the Board of the Association provided that the Branch Executive Committee may, if considered advisable, convene a General Meeting of the Branch at any other time either in addition to or in place of any such meetings. Reasonable notice shall be given of all meetings.

15. No business shall be transacted at any Branch General Meeting unless a quorum previously agreed upon at an Annual Meeting is present.

16. The Chairman, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chairman, shall preside at all meetings of the Branch. If the Chairman and Vice Chairman are absent those present shall elect a Chairman of the Meeting.

17. At all meetings of the Branch all questions, disputes, motions and amendments shall be decided by a majority of full financial members of the Branch personally present and voting, unless the Chairman rules that the matter is beyond the scope of the Branch, or should be referred to the Board for decision.

The method of voting shall be by show of hands unless two financial members or the Chairman, before putting the question, requires the voting to be by secret ballot. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.


18. Branches shall refrain from writing to ministers, heads of department and other senior state officials unless authorised by the board of the association. Matters a branch considers warrant such action should be more properly communicated to the Board for its action or response.

Communication to local MPs and regional police commanders and the like may from time to time be appropriate for branches, but should be authorised by the Board. This rule does not apply to social or speaking engagements and is primarily directed at policy and the need to remain and be seen as an apolitical organization with a unified voice from an elected board on behalf of all members.

The Associations logo may be used on Branch letterhead, noting the branch name, but should not be used for any other purpose without board approval.


19. Every existing Branch established with the approval of the Board before the making of this By-Law shall be subject to this By-Law.

Current as of 15 Nov 2006
Check with the Secretary for latest version or changes

By Laws

Chapter 3 – Management & Operations

Roles and Responsibilities

Executive Officers

Chairman and President



The President of the Royal Victorian Association of Honorary Justices is the leader and Public Face of the Association. The President assumes the office by being elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Board itself is elected from a ballot held among all ordinary and life members of the association.

The President is therefore elected through the representative democratic process. During tenure the President/Chairman is the most important member of a committee of equals and as is often the case with “bosses”, the job description is a little hard to put into words. At the end of the day it is the job of the President to make sure the association runs smoothly.

In actuality, this involves making sure the society is being run in accordance with the constitution, rules and regulations; entails liaison with the various stakeholders, such as the Attorney General, Department of Justice and The Magistracy; Ensuring that all the necessary paperwork is done, making sure board and committee members are performing their duties and generally being someone for the members to talk to if they have a grievance or suggestion about the Association.

The President is also the final arbitrator on important matters. These include a tied vote in Association meetings and decisions about how money should be spent. The President is the Associations representative at all official functions meetings and seminars.

The President as chairman of the Board is effectively the Chief Executive Officer. However this role is exercised only in concert with the Executive Committee to ensure balanced decisions and the smooth running of the association.

Finally the Chairman is the person responsible to the membership through the board for the vision, strategy and implementation of Associations program to attain and embellish the aims of the association.

As the CEO and chief planner and strategist in Chief for the association you should contact the President under the following circumstances:

  • You have a question about the constitution
  • You have a grievance against the RVAHJ or another member.
  • You have a question about the running of the RVAHJ.
  • You have a cunning idea for an event or program that the RVAHJ should be running.
  • You have an idea for what to spend association money on.
  • You just fancy a chat


The purpose of the office of President is to serve as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Victorian Association of Honorary Justices; to provide direction to the RVAHJ operations, and to foster and promote the goals and objects of the Royal Association of Honorary Justices


Become familiar with the duties of the office as set forth in the RVAHJs Constitution and Rules and Regulations.

Appoint annually the Chairs of the following Committees

  • Training and Education
  • Journal
  • Membership
  • Ethics & Rules
  • Group Liaison & Roster
  • Finance

Appoint annually members to each of the following standing positions:

  • Public Relations-Media Coordinator,
  • Roster Coordinator,
  • Association Historian
  • Editor
  • Appointments/Selection member
  • ACJA member

Preside at the Annual General Meeting.

The activities of the President should also include the responsibilities listed below.

  1. Serve as chair of the Board of directors.
  2. Make necessary appointments to special committees created by action of the Board of directors or the Annual general meeting
  3. Remove members from appointed offices and committees as necessary
  4. Review, approve and sign all local and regional Branch Charters and revoke the same if it does not conform to the Association’s Constitution and Regulations.
  5. Review, approve and sign all Association certificates such as, but not limited to, membership, merit, training courses and completion, appointments and awards
  6. Convene special meetings of the Association as provided for in the Constitution, Rules and regulations.
  7. Attend meetings of local and regional Branches where possible and provide guidance and counsel regarding Association matters.
  8. Issue and promulgate at least 4 times annually the Associations Journal to all approved members of the association’s readership list.
  9. Recognize by citation in the Journal and recommend to the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meeting for concurrence the names of those members whose service to the Office are meritorious and go beyond the efficient and loyal performance of a members duty to the Office.
  10. Submit for concurrence of the Annual general Meeting names of individuals for Honorary Membership in the Association.
  11. Decide on all questions of law and order subject to appeal to the Board
  12. Visit during the year as many Branches as possible.
  13. Participate in the following ceremonies:
  14. Represent or designate an alternate to represent the Association at meetings, events and ceremonies sponsored by other societies and organizations to which the Association is invited.
  15. Ensure that all of the Associations elected and appointed officers and committees do their jobs during the year.
  16. Recognize in the form of personal letters or citations in the Journal those Branches, committees and members that are performing exemplary service to the Association and Office
  17. Issue encouragement and assistance and, if necessary, reprimands to those Branches who are not adequately fulfilling their duties pursuant to the Associations Constitution, Rules and Regulations.
  18. Select annually recipients for the Associations Award of Merit
  19. Prepare periodic oral and written reports on the activities of the President to be presented to Board of Directors.
  20. Perform all other duties delegated to the office by the Associations Constitution, Rules and Regulations.
  21. Prepare and submit an annual written report to the Annual General meeting on the activities of the President.

Feb 2000

Vice President



The Vice President of the association is the second among equals and assists the President to implement his program and monitor the progress of the association. It is normal that the Vice President elects to chair of one of the main committees and have an oversight role on behalf of the President on all other committees.

The committee system, as the chosen operating system, is the single most important strategy employed by the association to implement its policies and programs. The vice president through this hands on role is the Presidents activist and representative particularly when the President is not in attendance. This provides the committee system with a friend in court and a representative at the executive level.

The vice president acts as an understudy for the President but under the associations system of electing the right person for the right job does not automatically follow or assume the Presidency at the end of the Presidents term. However serving as vice president naturally provides a valuable experience that the other board members often consider at the election of the Chairman.

The vice president serves at the pleasure of the board and is confirmed in office by the board after election of the Chairman and President


The purpose of the office of Vice President to promote the Royal Victorian Association of Honorary Justices and deputise for the President, where the President is unavailable, in accordance with the Constitution, rules and regulations of the Association.


  1. The activities of the Vice President should include the responsibilities listed below.
  2. Assist the Associations campaign to promote membership of the Association.
  3. Serve on the Executive Committee
  4. In association with the President, nominate and serve as chair of an Association Committee
  5. Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the president
  6. Prepare periodic status reports on the activities of the Vice President to be presented to the Chairman and the Board of Directors.
  7. Perform all other duties delegated to the office by the Order’s Constitution and Rules and Regulations, the Board of Directors and/or Chairman.
  8. Assure ready access to association and its facilities for the transaction of the Associations business.
  9. Prepare and submit an annual written report to the Chairman and the members at the AGM on the activities of the Vice-Chairman.

February 2000

The Secretary



The Secretary is the chief operating and administrative officer of the RVAHJ. The Secretary of the Association is the Public Officer, as designated under the corporation’s law, and is required to carry on all necessary correspondence and administrative matters of the Association. As the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the association acts in concert with the president to ensure the smooth running of the association.

The operating responsibilities encompass supporting the board, the committees, and membership by providing the necessary equipment, facilities and documentation as needed for the board and committees to function smoothly and to ensure that a documented recording system of events accompanies all association activities.

The Secretary, as the Public Officer is charged with ensuring that the operations of the association not only follow the law, but the direction of the board are ethical and fully reflect the standards of the associations membership.

The administrative functions require the Secretary to ensure that al of the CFO and Treasurers requirement for the collection, holding and disbursement of members funds are implemented and recorded in an efficient and transparent manner within a reliable reporting system.

Administratively, the secretary must ensure that the associations communications, office, and administrative systems are up to date and efficiently use and apply technology to the benefit of the associations cost structure.

The administration through the secretary must provide the board and its committee membership with the necessary information and reports needed to carry out their assigned tasks in a timely and transparent manner.


The RVAHJ is a company limited by liability and the secretary is the designated Public Officer of the Company under the corporation laws and serves as the Chief Operating and Administration Officer of the Company.


  1. The activities of the Secretary should include the responsibilities listed below.
  2. Maintain the charge and custody of the Charter, Papers of Incorporation and Seal of the Organization.
  3. Maintain the charge and custody of all records and other property of the Association not otherwise provided for by other officers of the Association.
  4. Prepare meeting agendas at the presidents direction and cause to be taken minutes of annual general meeting and meetings of the Board of Directors
  5. Maintain one complete set of the Association’s Annual General Meeting minutes and proceedings.
  6. Maintain one complete set of periodic meeting minutes and proceedings of the Board of Directors.
  7. Prepare monthly summary reports of the financial and numerical strength of the Association and cause the same to be distributed to all members of the Board.
  8. Transmit prior to the due date to the relevant authorities, all necessary reports and submissions as required by law.
  9. Receive record and process all membership applications and the payment of any and all associated membership fees and dues.
  10. Maintain a current electronic database of all members of the association, and any other person or organization that the Board may determine from time to time.
  11. Maintain an efficient administration and filing system to meet the requirement of the Membership, Officers and committees of the association.
  12. Review for completeness all Reports and Branch Applications submitted for approval to the President and arrange for the preparation all such approved charters.
  13. Prepare and present periodic reports to the Board on the administrative and legal requirements needed to maintain the office of secretary.
  14. Hire and control the administrative staff and requirements of the associations Offices in acccordance with the Executive Committee.
  15. Monitor the progress of, and assist where necessary, the appointed officers and Committee Chairmen in completing their assigned duties
  16. Apprise the President of problems encountered with staff, administrative or organisational fulfilment of responsibilities
  17. Ensure that all staff, casual, permanent or temporary is employed within the guidelines of the relevant regulations and employment law.
  18. Ensure that all staff are treated in an ethical and professional manner and have an effective grievance procedure.
  19. Ensure that all staff are provided with a safe and healthy work environment.
  20. Ensure, and enforce the Associations non discriminatory work place practise
  21. Institute, maintain and promulgate a workplace reporting system and a set of workplace rules and regulation in concordance with the executive committee.
  22. Prepare and present periodic reports on the activities of the Secretary to be presented to the Board of Directors and President.
  23. Perform all other duties delegated to the office by the Association’s Constitution, Rules and Regulations, Board of Directors and/or President.
  24. Ensure ready access to electronic mail and electronic and computerised systems for the transaction of the Associations business.
  25. Prepare and submit an annual written report to the President and the annual general meeting on the activities of the Secretary.

February 2000

Chief Financial Officer



The chief financial officer is the associations advisor for all economic activity that the association undertakes from the collection of dues and grants to the authorisation and preparation of the annual accounts.

The CFO is the guiding voice on the board on all financial activities and guides and instructs all other officers in financial matters. This includes advising and supervising how the associations money will be collected and accounted for, taxation liabilities and treatments to be used, liaison with auditors and other financial authorities as and when required. The Treasurer of the association reports directly to the CFO and follows his instructions on all treasury matters such as how and where investments will be lodged.

The CFO from time to time advises the board on how to best utilise its assets within the Vision and strategies adopted by the board.

The CFO position is to oversee and safeguard the revenue, assets and income of the association on behalf of the membership. The CFO will ensure that the assets of the RVAHJ are used and operated in a manner that will achieve the best financial outcomes on behalf of the membership.


  1. The activities of the CFO should include the responsibilities listed below.
  2. Set up and maintain Bank Accounts for Royal Victorian Association of Honorary Justices, as required for the associations funds.
  3. Receive, hold and account for all monies paid to the RVAHJ account for all approved expenditure of the associations funds.
  4. Arrange for an annual audit of the Associations financial condition to be prepared and presented to the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meeting of the RVAHJ.
  5. Prepare an annual report to the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meeting of the RVAHJ on the financial condition of the RVAHJ Maintain, all bank and all investment accounts in the name of the and its investments
  6. Investigate periodically and advise the Board of Directors regarding the availability of more advantageous investment opportunities for the Associations investments.
  7. Prepare an annual operating budget for review and approval by the Board of Directors.
  8. Serve on the Executive Committee
  9. Serve as custodian of RVAHJ property not otherwise provided for.
  10. Prepare and transmit accordingly all other financial and other reports as may be required by the RVAHJ’s Constitution and Regulations, The Board of Directors and/or Chairman, or applicable federal or state laws.
  11. Perform all other duties delegated to the office by the RVAHJ’s Constitution and Regulations, Board of Directors and/or Chairman.
  12. Prepare and submit an annual written report to the Chairman and Board of Directors and the Membership on the activities of the CFO

February 2000


Board member



The purpose of the Board of Directors is to carry out the business of the RVAHJ in between General Meetings. The Directors are elected in accordance with the Associations Constitution to carry out policies established by the General Meetings of members and to serve as a Board of Directors in terms of making decisions in the absence of such policy directives from the general Meeting.

Therefore role of the director has a special importance to the association as the director is the voice of the association to the executive and the oversight body on behalf of the membership that confirms or curbs the policy and actions of the executive.

This task is of the prime importance and makes each director individually responsible for ensuring they have adequate knowledge of the associations operations and the rules and regulations governing the association.

Directors, as a board, are therefore expected to provide guidance and oversight to the executive regarding the aims of the association, its promotion and well being while it is in their care. Directors do this by either approving the executives actions or requiring changes and modifications to the proposals presented. The individual board member has a responsibility to ensure that they are able to provide the membership with good representation by being knowledgably abreast of the associations needs and requirement regarding and of any subject brought to the board so that they might make well considered decisions and not impede the associations progress.

By convention board members who have no knowledge or understanding of proposals or specialist knowledge of particular subjects have often refrained from decision making until they have made up this deficit.

Board members are expected to be member sof committees and to assist in the development of the associations goals and standing in the community.

Board members are elected for 4 year terms with half of the board required to be re-elected on a two year cycle

The purpose of a board member is to make decisions on the running of the association between annual general meeting on behalf of the membership


The activities of the Board of Directors should include the responsibilities listed below.

  1. Oversee the general operation and direction of RVAHJ between general meetings.
  2. Present annually to the General Meeting for approval a proposed budget to operate the RVAHJ for the ensuing year.
  3. Appoint by confirmation the Committee Chairs and Positions nominated by the President to serve at the pleasure of the majority of the Board of Directors.
  4. Fix annually the amounts for Members and Associates dues and fees and conditions for Life Members in the absence of such action by General meeting.
  5. Review written reports made to it by the Executive, Membership, Committees and Officers of the association and direct responses or actions in the absence of such action or directive from the general meeting.
  6. Fill at its discretion, for the unexpired term, any vacancies, which may occur in associations elected Directors offices.
  7. Serve as confirmation authority for all applicants submitted by the President within the Association.
  8. Rule on the appropriateness of Committee recommendations or reports and of any sanctions within the within the associations Rules and Regulations.
  9. Exercise disciplinary jurisdiction over all charges preferred against any member of the association
  10. Perform all other duties delegated to the Board by the Associations Constitution, Rules and Regulations and the general Meeting
  11. Perform all actions and duties not specifically proscribed by the Associations Constitution, Rules and regulations and that are legal within the prevailing law.
  12. The Board must at all times be cognizant of its duties under the law and all actions taken must be to the benefit of its members and not only fall within the law but be seen to be within the spirit of the law.

February 2000

Hon Treasurer
Editor Custodes



The Editor of the Association Journal CUSTODES is charged with overseeing the largest financial expenditure of the association. The board of Directors has recognised that Custodes is vital in the associations communications program with the membership.

The membership of the association is spread throughout the State of Victoria and the only reliable way of reaching all members in a consistent and timely manner is through Custodes. It is this recognition by the board that the major expense of the association is devoted to regularly communicating with the membership in a format that reaches every member

The Custodes magazine is devoted to ensuring the membership is kept informed about changes to the law as it affects their role, changes to the Office as it affects them and changes to the association and how it affects them. Custodes is primarily designed to be an informative quarterly that will keep our members in touch with any and all changes that may affect their voluntary role as an honorary justice.

The Voluntary and Honorary role that our members undertake is a selfless one that is often seen as thankless and solitary in its application as an independent judicial officer or witness. Therefore a secondary requirement for the Custodes is to instil a sense of community, appreciation and belonging to our membership so that they are able to feel pride and accomplishment in their chosen role.

The Custodes brings this about by publishing news of members accomplishments, awards and attainments that demonstrate our state wide family

The memberships insistence on professional demeanour in office is reflected in the training items, advisories from other stakeholders in the administration of justice from time to time make the journal the most important method available for communication.

Recognising the professional aspirations of the membership the board has decided that the journal CUSTODES must be a quality magazine that is published on time and on budget. The editors is charged with ensuring that this occurs and to this extent the board has supported the editors by providing software, administrative assistance and computer support as required to ensure that he members receive a quality magazine each quarter.


The purpose of the office of Editor of the Journal is to ensure that pertinent and Association related information about and concerning the Association is published in the Journal and disseminated to the membership on a frequency of not less than 4 times per calendar year.


The activities of the Editor of the Journal should include the responsibilities listed below.

  1. Edit, publish and disseminate at least 4 editions of the Journal per calendar year.
  2. Publish Policy statements of the President.
  3. Publish the reservation forms and details of all the training courses run by the Association
  4. Publish the names, contact telephone and Email addresses of all Association elected and appointed officers, Standing and Special Committee chairman and members immediately following the Annual general Meeting
  5. Publish a synopsis of the actions taken by the Annual general Meeting
  6. Publish a biography and photograph of the newly elected President.
  7. Publish obituaries and a photograph (if available) of Past Presidents and all current elected or appointed officer’s as soon as possible after their passing.
  8. Publish the Annual Report and Financial statement prior to the Annual General meeting.
  9. Publish the names and locations of newly formed Branches
  10. Publish information and articles submitted by local and regional Branches, committees, and the Associations members as space permits
  11. Publish information and articles about the law, and other related subjects as space permits and at the discretion of the Editor.
  12. Contract for, and in the name of the Association, all services necessary to ensure the promotion and economic publishing of the Journal subject to the review and approval of Board
  13. Prepare and submit to the Board for review an annual operational budget necessary to ensure the publication of at least 4 edition of the journal
  14. Provide periodic reports to the Board on the activities of the Journal Editor.
  15. Perform all other duties delegated to the office by the Associations Constitution Rules and Regulations, Board of Directors and annual general meeting.
  16. Prepare and submit an annual written report to the Board of directors and annual general meeting on the activities of the Journal Editor.

February 2000




The Association has been in existence since 1910. During its long and honourable existence it has seen many developments and change to the judicial system within the State of Victoria. The membership that has made up the associations ranks over time includes many of the men and women who have made inestimable contributions to the State of Victoria and its progress.

Many of our men and women members have been have been recognised with Australian and Victorian Honours but the great bulk of our community minded citizens have not and it would be remiss if the association did not ensure that those members and the acts and deeds are recorded for posterity.

To this extent the Association has instigated the role of Historian to collect and safeguard the history of the associations and members for future generations.


The purpose of the office of Association Historian is to collect and preserve all historical or biographical material of the RVAHJ, members of the RVAHJ and any material related to its aims.


The activities of the Association Historian should include the responsibilities listed below.

  1. Collect, organize, catalogue and ensure the preservation of historical records and holdings of the RVAHJ.
  2. Identify and inventory the historical records and holdings in the possession of Association officers.
  3. Ascertain annually the condition of historical property, records and holdings in the possession of the Association.
  4. Obtain a listing or index of RVAHJ historical property, records and holdings in the possession of the Sate or Federal government
  5. Provide research assistance and/or access to the Associations historical holdings to members and, upon approval by the President, to individuals and organizations outside the RVAHJ.
  6. Encourage Branches and individuals to identify, inventory or catalogue (where possible) to help locate and ensure the preservation of all state and local collections RVAHJ, and Justice of Peace historical records and holding
  7. Encourage Branches and individuals recognize and commemorate RVAHJ and JP anniversary dates through a variety of means including, meetings and ceremonies, notices in internal newsletters, notices in newspapers, etc.
  8. Perform all other duties delegated to the office by the Constitution Rules and Regulations, general meeting and President
  9. Prepare and submit periodic status reports to the President on the activities of the Association Historian.
  10. Prepare and submit an annual written report to the President and general meeting on the activities of the Association Historian


Committee Chair



Appointed by the Chairman and confirmed by the board. Committee chairs propose and implement the plans and programs approved by the board. The Chair becomes the associations manager of business for all matters that fall under the Committees area of responsibility.


Provide leadership and focus on the management and implementation of the Committees relevant business.



  • Executive

  • Membership

  • Training

  • Finance

Chapter 4 – Honours and Awards

System Overview



The Board of the Association wishes to recognise outstanding commitment and service to the association and the community through a series of commendations and service awards.

The system of commendations and service awards has been designed to recognise and record individual contributions to the association and its community through the outstanding voluntary service of our members and like minded individuals and organisations.


The purpose of this document is to detail the honours and awards system maintained by the association and designates the roles and responsibilities for implementing the system


Commendation Awards – Ranked

  • Level 1 Life member
  • Level 1 Certificate of Merit
  • Level 2 Distinguished Member Award
  • Level 2 Distinguished Service Certificate (Individual non member)
  • Level 3 Certificate of Appreciation (Organisations/Individuals non member)

Recognition Certificates Un-Ranked

  • Level 3 Long Service – commencing after 25 unbroken years service
  • Level 3 Branch & Board Office Holders (individual position)
  • Level 3 Service certificates (individual duty)
  • Level 3 Training certificates


  • Level 2 Membership Certificate (ordinary, associate and honorary)
  • Level 2 Branch Charter (branch formation)


The Membership Committee is responsible for the operating the commendation and service award system on behalf of the board.

The membership committee will convene an award subcommittee to consider all submissions for commendations bestowed by the association. The committee will consist of no less than three (3) and no more than five (5) ordinary or life members of the association. The sub committee will meet as required, but no less than annually, to consider any nominations, the operations of the awards system and to make recommendations to the board on improvements or other changes it thinks are necessary in the commendation and award system.

The approval levels of the system are

Level 3 subcommittee endorsement by membership committee

Level 2 subcommittee endorsement by executive and board

Level 1 subcommittee endorsement by the full board

The subcommittee will review all submissions for commendations against the boards published criteria.

The subcommittee will submit to the executive committee such nominations for commendations as it considers meet the criteria and are worthy of consideration for review by the executive. Recommendations for Commendation awards must be unanimous

The executive will review the nominations and forward to the board all nominations it has unanimously decided worthy of the commendation.

The subcommittee will deal with and approve recognition certificates by authenticating the criteria and forwarding the certificate for appropriate signature. The subcommittee will cause the appropriate recognition certificates to be produced after examining the relevant records in accordance the criteria with in a timely fashion.

The subcommittee will call for nominations for all commendation awards in a timely manner and promulgate boards eligibility criteria for nominations and the attendant process for deciding on the recipients.

Commendation Awards

Life Member



The award of Life Membership is the most prestigious award that the association bestows on a member and quite rightly is not given out very often. In fact since inception there have been only 20 Life memberships awarded which roughly equals two in each decade.

The criteria and evaluations are most rigorous as one would expect for such an award and are not easily satisfied. All criterions must be met, and the award must be supported unanimously by the Full Board of Directors of the Association.

Name of Award:

Life Membership


Any ordinary member of good standing of the RVAHJ


Nominations for this award can be made by a branch, any six (6) financial members of the association or three (3) members of the board. All nominations must be endorsed by either the President or Vice President of the association.

Evaluation of the Candidate:

Evaluation of the candidate will be made by the Membership Committee Awards subcommittee and endorsed by the executive committee.

Selection of the Candidate

The candidate must be unanimously recommended at each stage of the evaluation

The final selection must be made by the full board of the association.

It must be unanimous.

Criteria for the award

The nominee shall be an outstanding individual who has contributed to the Association in a significant and measurable way that is widely recognised by their peers.

The nominee shall have demonstrated through their commitment to the association measurable achievements and recognised benefits that have accrued to the association through their involvement.

The nominee may also have demonstrated through community and civic involvement a significant enhancement to the role and recognition of Honorary Justices and the association.

Single accomplishments are not sufficient for the award

The nominee shall have record of unbroken service to the association of at least ten (10) years.

The nominee must have not served on the board for the preceding three (3) years.


The award shall be made to the recipient in person at the RVAHJ Annual Dinner and shall be in the form of a citation to be read by the President or Guest Speaker directed specifically to the recipient. Alternative presentations may be made if they are of equal dignity or standing to the annual dinner


Life time membership and the waiving of all dues and membership fees

Honoured status at all Association meetings and events

Framed Life member Certificate

Specially struck Life Member Medallion (Gold)

Life Member Lapel Badge

Meritorious Member Award



The Associations second most prestigious award it is also not given without careful analysis of the recipients bonafides. The award is meant to reward members of the association for meritorious service on behalf of the association. The service may take into account furthering particular aims or programs but requires overall excellence of service with a very high level of accomplishment. This award is recognition of a members long standing commitment and service to the association that is readily recognised by fellow members as exemplary that has produced a consistent benefit over and above normal service expectations.

Name of Award:

Meritorious Member Award


Any ordinary member of good standing of the RVAHJ


Nominations for this award can be made by a branch, any six (6) financial members of the association or any three (3) board members. All nominations must be endorsed by either the President or Vice President of the association.

Evaluation of the Candidate:

Evaluation of the candidate will be made by the Membership Committee Awards subcommittee and endorsed by the executive committee.

Selection of the Candidate

The candidate must be unanimously recommended at each stage of the evaluation

The final selection must be made by the full board of the association.

It must be unanimous.

Criteria for the award

The nominee shall be an outstanding individual who has contributed to the Association in a significant and measurable way that is widely recognised by their peers.

The nominee shall have demonstrated through their commitment to the association measurable achievements and recognised benefits that have accrued to the association through their involvement.

The nominee may also have demonstrated through community and civic involvement a significant of the role and recognition of Honorary Justices and the association.

A single contribution is not sufficient but may be considered in the overall contribution.

The nominee shall have record of unbroken service to the association of at least six (6) years.

The nominee must have not served on the board for the preceeding two (2) years


The award shall be made to the recipient in person at the RVAHJ annual dinner and shall be in the form of a medallion, certificate and citation to be read by the President or Guest Speaker directed specifically to the recipient. Alternative presentations may be made if they are of equal dignity or standing to the annual dinner


Honoured status at all Association meetings and events

Framed Meritorious Member Award

Specially struck Meritorious Members Medallion (silver)

Meritorious Members Lapel Badge

Distinguished Member Award



The Associations award for members of the association who have provided exemplary service to the membership or the association. The award for distinguished service reflects the gratitude of the association for furthering particular aims or programs for the membership and for overall excellence in the provision of the nominated service for a prolonged period.

Name of Award:

Distinguished member Award


Any ordinary member of the RVAHJ


Nominations for this award can be made by a branch, a committee, any six (6) financial members or any three (3) directors of the association.

Evaluation of the Candidate:

Evaluation of the candidate will be made by the Membership Committee Awards subcommittee and endorsed by the executive committee.

Selection of the Candidate

The candidate must be unanimously recommended at each stage of the evaluation

The final selection must be made by the board of the association.

Criteria for the award

The nominee shall be an outstanding individual who has contributed to the Association in a significant and measurable way that is widely recognised by the membership.

The nominee shall have demonstrated through their commitment to the association measurable achievement and recognised benefits that have accrued to the association through their involvement.

The nominee may also have demonstrated through community and civic involvement a significant role in the recognition of Honorary Justices and the association. .


The award shall be made to the recipient in person at the RVAHJ annual dinner and shall be in the form of a medallion, certificate and citation to be read by the President or Guests Speaker directed specifically to the recipient.


Honoured status at all Association meetings and events

Framed Distinguished Member Award Certificate

Specially struck Distinguished Member Medallion (Bronze)

Distinguished Member Award Lapel Badge (Bronze)

Distinguished Service Award



The most prestigious award for non members of the association. The award is to recognise meritorious service on behalf of the association. The service may for furthering particular aims or programs or for overall excellence in service to the association. The award recognises significant commitment and accomplishment.

Name of Award:

Distinguished Service Award


Individuals who are not members of the RVAHJ


Nominations for this award can be made by a branch, a committee, any six (6) financial members of the association, or three (3) board members.

Evaluation of the Candidate:

Evaluation of the candidate will be made by the Membership Committee Awards subcommittee and endorsed by the executive committee.

Selection of the Candidate

The candidate must be unanimously recommended at each stage of the evaluation

The final selection must be made by the board of the association.

Criteria for the award

The nominee shall be an outstanding individual who has contributed to the Association in a significant and measurable way that is widely recognised by the membership.

The nominee shall have demonstrated through their commitment to the association measurable achievements and recognised benefits that have accrued to the association through their involvement.

The nominee may also have demonstrated through community and civic involvement a significant role in the recognition of Honorary Justices and the association.


The award shall be made to the recipient in person at the RVAHJ annual dinner and shall be in the form of a certificate and citation to be read by the President or Guests Speaker directed specifically to the recipient. Alternative presentations may be made if they are of equal dignity or standing to the annual dinner


Honoured status at all Association meetings and events

A framed Distinguished Service Award and appropriate desk display item will accompany the presentation.

Certificate of Appreciation



The Association is assisted in many of its tasks and undertakings by organisations and individuals who are not members of the association. The award is to recognise the service and assistance that those individuals and organisations provide on behalf of the association.

Name of Award:

Certificate of Appreciation


Individuals and Organisations who are not members of the RVAHJ


Nominations for this award can be made by a branch, a committee, any six (6) financial members of the association, or three (3) board members.
Evaluation of the Candidate:
Evaluation of the candidate will be made by the Membership Committee Awards subcommittee and endorsed by the executive committee.

Selection of the Candidate

The candidate must be recommended at each stage of the evaluation

The final selection must be made by the board of the association.

Criteria for the award

The nominee shall be an individual or organisation that has contributed to the Association in a significant and measurable way that is widely recognised by the membership.

The nominee may be an organisation or combination of an individual who in representing their organisation has provided the association and it membership, through their commitment, recognised benefits that have enabled the association and it members to provide a better level of service to the community. This ability will have been enhanced by the nominees involvement.
The nominee may also have demonstrated through community and civic involvement a significant role in the recognition of Honorary Justices and the association.


The award shall be made to the recipient, in person, at the RVAHJ annual dinner. The award shall be in the form of a certificate and accompanying citation to be read by the President or Guest Speaker or Committee Chair responsible and directed specifically to the recipient. Alternative presentations may be made if they are of equal dignity or standing to the annual dinner

A framed Certificate of Appreciation Award and an desk display item will accompany the presentation.

Recognition Awards

  • Long Service

  • Membership

  • Branch & Board Service

  • Individual service

Training certificates

  • Attendance

  • Qualified

Other Certificates

  • Membership

  • Branch Charter

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